Monday, 23 September 2013

Trench Aftermath

Since the landscaping was completed we had a torrential rainfall - a good test of the new trench. 

The newly sloped land was all dry, and the water in the trench was flowing nicely.
The new trench joined up to the old one, and leads the water far away from the house.

As we get closer to the lake it makes its way through this filtration bed.

The heavy rains made a huge difference to the water level.  The dry summer had caused the water level to drop, but in one week it was back up to its highest point since the spring.

We have a couple of apple trees.  Unfortunately the deer ate most of the low-hanging fruit.

There was some collateral damage from the digger driving back and forth through this area, so Chris had to cut off this broken branch.

1 comment:

  1. Go TRENCH go! That's super awesome! I'm so glad it works! :) - Pam
